Monday, 12 March 2012

Street Dancing and Sewing Designs...Not A Sentence I thought I would Type!

"What are you doing here?" I hear you ask in a shocked voice!

Well, you know I'm all inspired when I write another entry on the Funky Sprogs blog so soon after my last one!

As a busy mum (aren't we all) of two sprogs I find that life takes over my time that I allocate for writing my blog...I have pages and pages of notes of things I want to write about but those notes lay unpublished as suddenly my mind goes into overdrive and wanders in another direction...or my children want their dinner!

So, here we are at Street Dancing...I know, a strange subject for a mum who has set up a business making children's clothes but my son loves to dance...he is 6 and his idols are Ashley Banjo and Sean. The former is from Diversity and the latter helps to teach Boyz Breakdance at Belinda's Dance Academy in Southampton! This has meant that my world has changed from the background noise of Ben 10 and Spongebob Squarepants to a continuous stream of music, tutting*, the three step, the frog freeze, the baby freeze and various other mind boggling ways to move and contort the human body!

When I get an idea for designing something it is fascinating to draw the idea I have and then recreate that, working out which fabrics work best and how I can manipulate my ideas into fabric form. I take my ideas from my everyday life, living in New Zealand influenced me hugely especially with my T-Shirt designs, my love of all things vintage influences the fabrics I use and also has helped to develop the Dress I make into a more sixties, mod look and my Slip Through Scarves were influenced by a 4 and 6 year old who kept trying to strangle themselves in the morning!
And now I am totally inspired by Streetdance...which is making my son very happy!

So I am spending my days searching through the internet for images of street dancers in various poses...most of whom I hasten to add are male (and rather muscular!)'s a hard life!

It will be interesting to see, from a business point of view, how this niche market design will work and whether it will be successful.  What I do know is that I am loving recreating it in to designs on T-shirts and more importantly my son thinks that I am the 'best mum ever' for putting his love of dance on to his clothing!

*After commenting to a number of friends about my son tutting their response was along the lines of "I kids have developed such an attitude". In actual fact the tutting I was referring to was the dancing style where you move fingers, hands or arms in a synchronised, robotic manner to the sound of the beat...awkward!

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