On December 18th Funky Sprogs did it's final market of 2011. I love doing this market, it's a real buzz, the stall holders, the customers, even the place epitomises the perfect market but I have to say Christmas had been more full on than I had ever imagined and I couldn't wait to get home, unpack my stock from the car and enjoy Christmas with my family. Having the time just to sit and play around with designs and fabric until March just seemed wonderful and an age ahead.
It's March...bugger...is anyone else wondering where the time went since Christmas? Don't get me wrong, February seemed like the longest month EVER but where have those 72 days (as of today) gone since that last market? I am utterly flummoxed.
What about those New Years Resolutions I hear you ask...well for those of you asking I am blowing raspberries at you...my daughter taught me...she is very good at them!
My excuse is that I have wallowed in my life...my sprogs, LSH, my friends and my garden. I have made up orders, I have played around with new ideas, new designs and discovered the most inspiring of blogs and facebook pages by my favourite designers like Lotta Jansdotter and Riley Blake. What I have also done is neglected to build up my stock in preparation for the first Winchester Art & Design market of 2012!
Fortunately I work well under pressure and I have wonderful friends who listen to me panic in a high pitched voice while reassuring me that I will get it all done in time...and then pour more coffee down my neck.
All in all I can't wait to get back to the market, there are the most fantastic stalls there (and my sprogs always manage to find something that they must have!), the people visiting the market are great and it is a joy to stand there discussing fabrics and designers with them. But most of all it's the other stallholders for me, to be able to meet other people who are running a small, British business and, like me, hand making their items is phenomenal. We support each other, give advice, give our opinions and look after each others stalls while we go the loo!
So in less than two weeks I will be loading up the car with my new dresses, gorgeous new baby booties and my fantastic new t-shirt designs...Tutting Tees...and for those of you not enlightened on the subject of tutting (and I don't mean the sound of irritation) then I will soon explain all!
Right...I'm off...can't sit around all evening writing blogs!
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