Friday, 12 August 2011

Computer versus Sewing Machine

Hello again!

Once again it has been a frantic two weeks which will account for my tardiness in not writing last week, made even more frantic by the fact that it is the joyous time of school summer holidays, two children home all day with only me to provide problem. Throw into the mix my long suffering husband (LSH)  who has turned the tables and got his own back by taking two weeks off work to install our new bathroom, all I can say on the matter is aaaggghhhhh!

Anyway back to the title of this blog.

When I set up Funky Sprogs I had this vision of being at my sewing machine...a lot.
I wondered how the logistics of this would work alongside two small children, a house that needs renovating and a 150ft jungle of a garden.

I had no idea really did I? I knew I would need to do a bit of promoting...a facebook page for Funky Sprogs, maybe a twitter page (Funky Sprogs Twitter). It makes me laugh now. The internet is such a huge resource for businesses that you would be foolhardy not to take full advantage of what is out there and so I discovered that I had to grow a few more arms and create a few more hours in to the day in order to become the internet wizard that I have now become (without driving myself ever so slightly demented!)

My efforts have paid off, my webhost for Funky Sprogs is Moonfruit, they have a Facebook page and everyday ask for you to submit your website for Site of the Day. To be honest I was full of good intentions but kept forgetting to log on, then I remembered and submitted my site and won it, which was great, a bit of free promotion. Then they featured me on their main website...hooray!

Then Yummy Mummy - Business Mums (another great facebook page that allows you to promote your website as much as you would like) has a competition, I thought I would enter because the prize was more promotion and won....hooray! Check out,  also follow Jill's blog which is great.

Next my t-shirt supplier put out a casting call for children to be in their next catalogue, I emailed them pictures of my sprogs (pics from the website of course!) and they were picked. So off we went to London on Wednesday, nearly cancelled because of the riots but then everything seemed to have settled down and off we went...fantastic day and I can't wait to see the pictures. It's going to seem a little strange seeing their faces in the catalogue as I am putting in my orders!

Finally, I use Shop Integrator on my website, it is a fantastic service that enables e-commerce sites to have the ability to provide international delivery, adjustable postage options according to the weight of products and also stock control as well as so much more. They had developed a new format that would be more compatible with Moonfruit and had emailed me with the details. I spent hours changing over all of my HTML snippets (yawn) and grumbling at my LSH who handed me another glass of wine! My efforts paid off though because Shop Integrator came back to me to say could they use me as a featured shop on their website....ooh let me think about that...hhhmmmm....thinking....thinking...ooh go on then!

So now after typing this blog I do believe that my next shift is the sewing machine, that is if my children don't get in first!

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