So...it's been a while...lol!
All I can say is that 2011 for Funky Sprogs has been the biggest learning curve, I thought having a baby was hard and the first year harder but it was nothing on a new business, Long Suffering Husband (LSH) and I even considered adoption...lol!
In May when the business started it was quiet, through the summer months it became busy and leading up to Christmas I was a headless chicken, praying regularly to a higher being for more hours! I really had no concept of how busy Christmas was going to be and how quickly I would sell out of stock. Fortunately I also discovered that I was not the only one in that position. One of my fellow stallholders at the Winchester Art and Design market was, like me, considering whether they were able to do the final market of the year as they, like me, had sold out of stock with only a week to make up new stock.
It's amazing though what you can achieve when you put your mind to it!
I also pulled off an amazing birthday party for my daughter...actually that's not strictly true but the girls from Funky Kids Party did the most amazing Fairy and Pirate party, I would recommend them 100%! I didn't send out quite all of the Christmas cards that I intended to and I didn't write the ones that went out either LSH did that. I did manage to drive on my own to the Southampton Uni Christmas fair (I would like to add I had just passed my test!) but had difficulty peeling my gripped fingers off the steering wheel once I'd arrived.
So here we are in 2012, now I don't make New Years resolutions, never have done and am not about to start now. However for the sake of my sanity I have made some Sewing Resolutions.
Don't think 'there is enough stock for the next fair or market' and take a sewing break...you can never have too much stock!
Don't just book a fair because it fits into your schedule...you could be stood selling nothing because it's not your niche market and then results in going home to drink too much wine to drown your sorrows!
Remember to balance the marketing of the business and the sewing...too much of the first results in not enough of the latter! Too much of the latter results in...too much of the latter!
Remember to write your blog!!!
Last but not least I have to say thank you to some fabulous friends and family who got me through 2011 by the skin of my teeth. Claire (for helping me on my last Christmas market at Winchester and for making me cry with laughter), Najada (for looking after the sprogs and ferrying sprog 1 to birthday parties), Ray (my mentor who allows me to bounce off ideas and annoy him with my new creations), my Mum and Peter who have given up whole weekends when LSH is away to look after the sprogs while I am doing fairs and of course LSH who 100% supports me while I drive him insane by taking over our house and weekends with Funky Sprogs!